This course is a scientific interpretation of the Bible. It will explain and illustrate the various the various principles which must be followed in order for a person to understand the Word of God.
Note: All Master level courses require more extensive reading, research and writing than the undergraduate courses. The Master courses will further equip the student to apply a proper hermeneutics to Scripture with the result being correct exegesis and sound biblical exposition.
AP: Apologetics
AP - 61001-A
This course consist of laying a foundation for a systematic and rational defense of the Christian faith. In addition to growing stronger in their own, the student will become equipped to defend the Christian faith from all attacks. Such issues as absolute truth, God’s existence, the reliability of the Scripture, the problem of evil and science.
AP - 61002-A Biblical Apologetics
This course provides a study and defense of the inspiration, veracity and inerrancy of the bible. Archeological, history, geographical, linguistic and cultural issues are examined.
AP 61003-A Theological Apologetics
This course defends the orthodox conservative theology of Christianity. The course deals with challenges and heresies from both inside and outside of Christianity. Topics such as the nature of God, the nature of Jesus and God’s sovereignty will be covered in-depth.
AP 61004-A Issues on Apologetics
This course offers an in-depth look at the methodology of apologetics. Methods such as classical, evidential, historical and prepositional will be discussed. The strengths and limits of each method will be evaluated as well as the relationship of faith and reason.
PH: Philosophy
PH- 60001-A World views
This is an introduction to the major world views including theism, deism, atheism, pantheism, panentheism, finite godism and polytheism. This course evaluates world views and the philosophy that forms themmetaphysics, epistemology, ethics and theology. The Christian world view (theism) will be demonstrated to be superior to all other world views.
PH- Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy answers the deep questions of life on a metaphysical and epistemological level. This course will study the philosophy behind religion. In particular, it will examine Christian Philosophy and compare it to other philosophies.
Logic is the foundation to all thought. This course will teach the student the laws of logic and argumentation. It will also include a study of Paul’s writings to evaluate the logic he uses. The book of Romans demonstrates that Paul is a master logician.
TH: Theology
TH-Systematic Theology I
TH- 62001-A
Systematic Theology is a study of all Scripture on a given subject. This course covers Theology Proper (God), Bibliology (Bible), Analogously (angels and Satan), Christology (Christ) and Pneumatology (Holy Spirit).
TH-Systematic Theology II
This course covers, Anthropology (man), Hamartiology (sin), Soteriology (salivation).
TH-Systematic Theology III
This course covers Ecclesiology (Church) and Eschatology (last things).
TH-Advance Theology
Prerequisite: Th 62001, TH-62002, TH-62003
This is an advance study of theology systems as a whole such as; Roman Catholic Theology, Lutheran Theology, Anabaptist Theology, Reformed Theology, Arminian Theology, Wesleyan Theology, Liberal Theology, Dispensational Theology and Black Theology.
TH-Advanced Soteriology
Prerequisite: Th 62001, TH-62002, TH-62003
This is an advanced study of Soteriology in which the nature and condition of salvation will be evaluated from different theological perspectives such as Catholicism, Reformed Theology and Dispensational Theology and compared to Scripture. The implications of Armianism and Calvinism will be advanced.
TH-Advance Ecclesiology
Prerequisite: Th 62001, TH-62002, TH-62003
This is an advanced biblical study of Ecclesiology in which the nature, origin polity, officers, ordinances and purpose of the church will be evaluated biblically and compared to respective theological systems and denominations. A strong emphasis on how the Bible defines Israel, the Church and the Kingdom will be considered.
TH-Advanced Eschatology
This is an advanced study of Eschatology in which the implications and timing of the rapture, tribulation and millennial kingdom will be evaluated. An in-depth exegetical study of the Olivet Discourse will also be included.
BI: Bible
This is study of the methodology of the science of interpreting Scripture. Great emphasis will be put on the literal, grammatical and historical method.
BI-Advanced Hermeneutics
Prerequisite: Bi 65001-A
This is an advanced study of hermeneutics that will demonstrate that different hermeneutical methods contrary doctrines. Denominations are formed largely on interpretational methods.
BI: Old Testament Survey
This course requires aa survey of every book in the Old Testament. The student will determine such things as the author, audience, purpose and theology of each book. An outline of each book will be created by the student.
TH-New Testament Survey
This course requires a survey of every book of the New Testament. The student will determine such things asa the author, audience, purpose and theology of each book. An outline of each book will be created by the student.
PA: Pastoral
PA-Expository Preaching
This is a study of the nature of biblical exposition and principles of message construction. Attention is given to the basic materials of the message, methods of preparation, effective deliver and problems of exposition. The goal of expiatory preaching is to ensure we have the
authors intended meaning in the text (exegesis). Non-preachers will prepare lessons rather than sermons.
PA-Ministerial Practicalities
This course defines the manner in which a pastor deals with the congregation, people of a certain community and the public at large. The pastor’s first responsibility is to the church which he has been called to minister.
PA-Church Administration
The course examines the specific duties of each member of the church to include laymen and officers. The concept of team ministries is studies along with a view of the role of individual responsibilities within the team. The role of the pastor in relationship to other members of the staff as well as lay workers in the church is examined. The place of church doctrine within the church administration and ministry is also emphasized.
CU: Counseling
CU-Introduction to Counseling
This course introduces the student to commonly accepted principle of psychology and counseling. A study of the approach to counseling the Christian versus the non-Christian will be explored.
CU-Methodology of Counseling
This course studies the different methodology used in counseling. Emphases will be put on biblical counseling.
CU-Marriage and Family Counseling
This course investigates the critical dynamics of God’s divine institution of marriage. Applicable counseling will be based on the roles God has given in marriage and family
CU-Pastoral Counseling
This course studies the roles and methods of pastoral counseling.
CU-Issues on Counseling
This course studies contemporary issues facing the counselor