Absences for illness, injury, emergencies, death in the family, and funerals are considered excused absences; for these excused absences, make-up work will be assigned by the instructor. Absences for pleasure trips, class revival meetings, outside business, etc., are not considered excusable and are not tolerated.
Make up work will be assigned on the following basis: A maximum of seven absences (without make-up work) plus five additional absences which will require make-up work of no less than 500 words per class per day on the three-day schedule. A maximum of five absences (without make-up work) plus three additional absences which will require make-up work of no less than 500 words per day on
the two day schedule.
A student arriving after the opening of class will be counted tardy. If the student is later than fifteen minutes, he shall be counted absent. Four tardies shall be counted as one absence. Tardies accumulate for the semester.
Veterans Attendance PolicyExcused absences will be granted for extenuating circumstances only. Excused absences will be substantiated by entries in students files. Early departures, class cuts, tardies, etc., for any portion of an hour will be counted as a full hour of absence.
Students exceeding two and one-half (2 ½) days unexcused absences in a calendar month will be terminated for unsatisfactory attendance.
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